The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers and problem solvers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.
#Mission Possible
Honors English 12: What is my moral philosophy and how have I come to terms with it?
-How do society and the people around me affect my morality?
Brave New World -What is a tragic hero?
-How do Satires affect society? What is a utopia/dystopia?
- How are symbols, allusions, irony,and imagery used?
-Does the structure of the novel add to the meaning?
-Who is ultimately responsible for the future?
-How is technology dangerous?
-What price are we paying for a world free of war or suffering?
Students will respond to the novel, Brave New World through discussion. They will identify and analyze the major and minor themes, analyze the use of literary devices, and chart connections. Students will critique and edit their short answer response questions due by Thursday, October 24th. They will identify and apply academic writing skills (thesis statement, strong conclusions, transitions, organization, active voice, tense, sentence structure and style, parallelism, participles and gerunds, subordinate clauses, use of a semi-colon) through the editing process. Students will complete their responses to the novel study guide and the literary devices handout which will be collected on Monday, October 28th. Students will begin the Documentary Project next week.
- What are my strengths and weaknesses?
- How do I identify and apply literary elements and devices?
Students have been introduced to the course requirements. This course requires a student to show improvement in standards which need to be strengthened. Every student will focus and work on improving their reading and writing skills for success on the Keystone through a variety of techniques and methods. Students have been given individual concepts to strengthen. They are currently required to complete 3 skills each week: Study Island focus, Novel Response Worksheet, and Project focus.
-How do society and the people around me affect my morality?
Brave New World -What is a tragic hero?
-How do Satires affect society? What is a utopia/dystopia?
- How are symbols, allusions, irony,and imagery used?
-Does the structure of the novel add to the meaning?
-Who is ultimately responsible for the future?
-How is technology dangerous?
-What price are we paying for a world free of war or suffering?
Students will respond to the novel, Brave New World through discussion. They will identify and analyze the major and minor themes, analyze the use of literary devices, and chart connections. Students will critique and edit their short answer response questions due by Thursday, October 24th. They will identify and apply academic writing skills (thesis statement, strong conclusions, transitions, organization, active voice, tense, sentence structure and style, parallelism, participles and gerunds, subordinate clauses, use of a semi-colon) through the editing process. Students will complete their responses to the novel study guide and the literary devices handout which will be collected on Monday, October 28th. Students will begin the Documentary Project next week.
Broadcast Journalism: How does what we know about the world shape our perspectives?
- How do I get ready for a LIVE broadcast?
- How do I prepare and script an interview?
- How do I create a PSA?
- How do I create a Facebook post?
- How do I utilize PremierePro?
- How do I get ready for a LIVE broadcast?
- How do I prepare and script an interview?
- How do I create a PSA?
- How do I create a Facebook post?
- How do I utilize PremierePro?
Students will continue working as a team to get ready for daily live broadcasts. Students will prepare scripts and equipment, collaborate, and create. They will work on making sure that the Newscast progresses and improves. All first MP assignments are due by Friday, October 18th.
Public Speaking: What really matters?
- How do basic speaking and listening skills help us to communicate?
- Why do I get nervous?
- How do I reach an audience?
- How do I become an effective listener?
- How do I evaluate a speech?
Students will meet to view and discuss their presentations. They will take the Chapter 9 test on Tuesday, October 22nd. Students will begin the research process for their Informative Speeches. They will need to identify and gather valid sources to be used in their speeches. Topics and purpose statements are due no later than Thursday, October 24th. Chapter 15 test on Friday, October 25th.
- How do basic speaking and listening skills help us to communicate?
- Why do I get nervous?
- How do I reach an audience?
- How do I become an effective listener?
- How do I evaluate a speech?
Students will meet to view and discuss their presentations. They will take the Chapter 9 test on Tuesday, October 22nd. Students will begin the research process for their Informative Speeches. They will need to identify and gather valid sources to be used in their speeches. Topics and purpose statements are due no later than Thursday, October 24th. Chapter 15 test on Friday, October 25th.
Keystone Literature: How can I improve myself?
-How does my interaction with the text provoke thinking and response?- What are my strengths and weaknesses?
- How do I identify and apply literary elements and devices?
Students have been introduced to the course requirements. This course requires a student to show improvement in standards which need to be strengthened. Every student will focus and work on improving their reading and writing skills for success on the Keystone through a variety of techniques and methods. Students have been given individual concepts to strengthen. They are currently required to complete 3 skills each week: Study Island focus, Novel Response Worksheet, and Project focus.